A Manhattan landlord and pair of dubious handymen have been sentenced to 4 to 12 years in prison for siphoning gas from a line that resulted in a 2015 explosion that left two dead and 13 injured.
A New York State Supreme Court jury found 59-year-old Maria Hrynenko, 63-year-old Athanasios Ioannidis and 44-year-old Dilber Kukic guilty on all charges, according to a release from the Manhattan District Attorney's Office.
The trio were the masterminds behind the 2015 plot to divert gas from a ground-floor building up to the apartments located in New York City's East Village.
A New York State Supreme Court jury found 59-year-old Maria Hrynenko, 63-year-old Athanasios Ioannidis and 44-year-old Dilber Kukic guilty on all charges, according to a release from the Manhattan District Attorney's Office
The trio were the masterminds behind the plot to divert gas from a ground-floor building up to the apartments located in New York City's East Village
Families leave court as landlord is sentenced over East Village explosion
The gas that escaped from the faulty and illegal hook-up caught on fire, triggering an explosion that leveled two buildings, killing busboy Moises Locon, 26, and restaurant guest Nicholas Figueroa, 23, on March 26, 2015.
'Developers and property owners across the City should keep today's sentencing in mind as New York's building boom continues into 2020,' said District Attorney Vance.
'If you cut corners based on expediency and profit and kill or injure New Yorkers in the process, you are engaging in criminal conduct and my office will seek significant prison time.
The trio were the masterminds behind the plot to divert gas from a ground-floor building up to the apartments located in New York City's East Village
The gas that escaped from the faulty and illegal hook-up caught on fire, triggering an explosion that leveled two buildings, killing busboy Moises Locon, 26, and restaurant guest Nicholas Figueroa, 23, on March 26, 2015.
'Developers and property owners across the City should keep today's sentencing in mind as New York's building boom continues into 2020,' said District Attorney Vance.
'If you cut corners based on expediency and profit and kill or injure New Yorkers in the process, you are engaging in criminal conduct and my office will seek significant prison time.