West Hazleton officials condemned the second-floor apartments where a small fire occurred Wednesday evening, displacing more than a dozen people, an assistant chief with the borough fire department said Thursday.
Era Gould said the fire was contained to a small porch and fire escape at 6½ E. Broad St. The damage to the fire escape was the reason for condemnation, he said, as the tenants had no means of egress.
The American Red Cross is assisting three families, a total of 14 people, with temporary lodging and food, spokesman Dave Skutnik said.
Code enforcement was expected to return to do a full inspection as other code violations were noticed at the building, Gould said.
Code enforcement officer Diane Panzarella said Thursday that she was drafting a notice of violation to the building owner, who will have rectify the problems before the tenants can return.
She noted an emergency exit light wasn’t working and light covers were missing, but she said she did not inspect the apartments. Panzarella plans to do so, but when the tenants are there, she said.
The businesses on the first floor were not damaged in the fire, Gould said.